Saturday, 21 April 2018



Industry 4.0 is 4th industry revolution. Industry 4.0 also refers to a Smart factory.  Make in India campaign are encouraging our youth to revolutionize Indian manufacturing industry. Indian Institute of science building Indians first smart factory in Bengaluru with seed funding from Boeing company. so to understand industry 4.0, we need to know what exactly happens in the industry before industry 4.0.  What are the first three industrial revolutions, when did they happen & how it contributes to the industry?
Then we are going to discuss Industry 4.0 in detail.

1. First industrial revolution:  

It happens in between the year 1760 to 1840.  First industry revolution makes much development in industries like textile industry, iron industry, machine tool, steam power chemical, agricultural, transportation, mining etc.

2. Second industry revolution:

Second industry revolution happens in between 19th and 20th century.  Second industrial revolution mainly focuses on chemicals, electricity, petroleum and all products obtained from this.  Second industrial revolution makes development in a steel mill, electric light, automobile, airplane, diesel engine, refrigerator etc. In second industrial revolution mass production start.

3. Third industrial revolution:

Third industrial revolution is underway which focuses on making manufacturing digital.  In the 3rd industrial revolution, automation comes in to picture which improve production rate as well as the quality of product and also reduce the manufacturing cost of the product.

This is all about industrial evolution:

4. Industry 4.0 :

What is industry 4.0?

INDUSTRY 4.0 is nothing but fourth industrial revolution.  Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies.  It includes the cyber-physical system, Internet of things, cloud computing, cognitive computing.

What is design principle for Industry 4.0?

There are 4 key principles which help different industries to implement Industry 4.0. 

  1. Interoperability: 
Internet of things comes under industry 4.0. so interoperability is an ability of mechanical devices like different machines, peoples connect together and communicate with each other to assist manufacturing processes. 

    2.  Information transparency: 

This principle requires that information systems should be able to create virtual copies of the physical world by the configuration of digital data into sensor data. For this to be achieved, raw sensor data has to be aggregated with compatible context data.

    3. Technical assistance: 

Technical assistance is nothing but providing assistance to human to do a task which is unpleasant or unsafe for a human. 

   4.Decentralised decisions:

It is an ability of a cyber-physical system to take their decision on there own and make the system as autonomous as possible.

Challenges in Industry 4.0:

  • Loss of many jobs
  • IT security -Internet of things security issue.
  • Employees qualification to adapt industry 4.0
  • High investment.

Impact of industry 4.0:

  1. Improve production rate
  2. Improve product quality.
  3. Improve product lifecycle.
There are various ways by which industry 4.0 can impact manufacturing firm, I mention few of them.
In an upcoming blog, I am going to discuss it in detail.

List of companies:

  1. List of global core automation manufacturing companies doing innovation in industry 4.0:
          2. Siemens.
          3. SAP.
          4. Festo.
          5.General Electric.
      2. List of companies in India working on Industry 4.0:
          1. Dassault system India
          2. United Technologies
          3. Cummins India 
      3. Companies providing a solution:
          1. Infosys.
          2. Tcs.
          3. Wipro.

        So this is a short review over Fourth industrial revolution.  I am going to discuss various points regarding Industry 4.0 like its elements, challenges, the impact of industry 4.0 in detail in upcoming days......'



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