Sunday, 22 April 2018



In my last blog, we understand what exactly the 4th industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is what are the different elements come under it?  So the very common concept come under Industry 4.0 is IOT & IIOT.  When we talk about IOT or IIOT, what common between themes that the divides are smart and they exchange data through the internet.

We already discuss the Internet of things on my previous blog. In this blog, we mainly focus on the Industrial internet of things (IIOT).

Industrial internet of things mainly refers to smart devices use in industry, the manufacturing firm, smart factory etc.  While the Internet of things come under consideration when we talk about consumer devices like a smart house, smart car etc. 

What is IIOT?

So the industrial internet of things is defined as an application of internet of things in manufacturing firm, industry.  IIOT has control over the quality of a product, supply chain efficiency, etc.

What exactly happens in IIOT OR IOT?

So in IIOT or IOT, there are smart devices which are connected to the common network, are communicating through internet and exchanges data.  This data is going to collect and those smart devices analyze this data and take actions in real time.


1.IIOT in the smart factory:

So in the old industry, there is an ERP system which connected to different elements of manufacturing firm like supplier, customer, manufacturing shop floor, different machines etc.

So if a customer having requirements for 10 product,  it gives information to the ERP system of organization. ERP collects the data eighter in digital form or on paper. Then the data get analyze mannualy and the corresponding raw material requirement is send to the raw material supplier.

It may take hours or in some conditin=on take day to analyze this data and take the decision.

So here IIOT comes in to picture. In IIOT the MES system directly connected to supplier and customer. So any requirement is there, data is immediately shared with MES and ERP system.  With help of communicating devices, decisions are taken in real time, so it decreases production time. Also, it gives real time scenario regarding the product so that firm modify their product on a real time basis

2. Smart home having smart Airconditioner:

In old air conditioning systems, we use remote to control settings of the ac according to our requirement, but all this tech is passed. So in past, we are the one who takes the decisions according to our comfort.
But in case of smart home devices like AC, these decisions are taken by smart devices in real time. The decision is mainly taken by computing devices, they collect the data, store the data and analyze data & take actions in real time.

Emerging startup in IOT in India:

  1. Stellaps
  2. Zenatix
  3. Smartron
  4. Carsense
  5. Carnot technologies
  6. Boltt sports technologies
There are many more.....

Companies implementing IOT OR IIOT:

5.General Electric

So this is a just short review over IIOT, there are much more remaining.
If you enjoyed this post you might also enjoy these posts:

Did you understand what exactly IIOT Is?  What are the exciting ideas you have to implement IIOT?
Let us know in the comment...

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-Shubham kotwal


Saturday, 21 April 2018



Industry 4.0 is 4th industry revolution. Industry 4.0 also refers to a Smart factory.  Make in India campaign are encouraging our youth to revolutionize Indian manufacturing industry. Indian Institute of science building Indians first smart factory in Bengaluru with seed funding from Boeing company. so to understand industry 4.0, we need to know what exactly happens in the industry before industry 4.0.  What are the first three industrial revolutions, when did they happen & how it contributes to the industry?
Then we are going to discuss Industry 4.0 in detail.

1. First industrial revolution:  

It happens in between the year 1760 to 1840.  First industry revolution makes much development in industries like textile industry, iron industry, machine tool, steam power chemical, agricultural, transportation, mining etc.

2. Second industry revolution:

Second industry revolution happens in between 19th and 20th century.  Second industrial revolution mainly focuses on chemicals, electricity, petroleum and all products obtained from this.  Second industrial revolution makes development in a steel mill, electric light, automobile, airplane, diesel engine, refrigerator etc. In second industrial revolution mass production start.

3. Third industrial revolution:

Third industrial revolution is underway which focuses on making manufacturing digital.  In the 3rd industrial revolution, automation comes in to picture which improve production rate as well as the quality of product and also reduce the manufacturing cost of the product.

This is all about industrial evolution:

4. Industry 4.0 :

What is industry 4.0?

INDUSTRY 4.0 is nothing but fourth industrial revolution.  Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies.  It includes the cyber-physical system, Internet of things, cloud computing, cognitive computing.

What is design principle for Industry 4.0?

There are 4 key principles which help different industries to implement Industry 4.0. 

  1. Interoperability: 
Internet of things comes under industry 4.0. so interoperability is an ability of mechanical devices like different machines, peoples connect together and communicate with each other to assist manufacturing processes. 

    2.  Information transparency: 

This principle requires that information systems should be able to create virtual copies of the physical world by the configuration of digital data into sensor data. For this to be achieved, raw sensor data has to be aggregated with compatible context data.

    3. Technical assistance: 

Technical assistance is nothing but providing assistance to human to do a task which is unpleasant or unsafe for a human. 

   4.Decentralised decisions:

It is an ability of a cyber-physical system to take their decision on there own and make the system as autonomous as possible.

Challenges in Industry 4.0:

  • Loss of many jobs
  • IT security -Internet of things security issue.
  • Employees qualification to adapt industry 4.0
  • High investment.

Impact of industry 4.0:

  1. Improve production rate
  2. Improve product quality.
  3. Improve product lifecycle.
There are various ways by which industry 4.0 can impact manufacturing firm, I mention few of them.
In an upcoming blog, I am going to discuss it in detail.

List of companies:

  1. List of global core automation manufacturing companies doing innovation in industry 4.0:
          2. Siemens.
          3. SAP.
          4. Festo.
          5.General Electric.
      2. List of companies in India working on Industry 4.0:
          1. Dassault system India
          2. United Technologies
          3. Cummins India 
      3. Companies providing a solution:
          1. Infosys.
          2. Tcs.
          3. Wipro.

        So this is a short review over Fourth industrial revolution.  I am going to discuss various points regarding Industry 4.0 like its elements, challenges, the impact of industry 4.0 in detail in upcoming days......'


Saturday, 31 March 2018



Internet of things is the word use by many but still they don't know what exactly IoT is? Still they won't understand the term Iot.  Internet of things is technology whose solo purpose is to improve human lifestyle. This objective can be achieve by different strategies.  Here strategies represents how should we implement or where should we implement IoT to live happy life and improve standards of leaving...

What is mean by internet of things (IoT)??

According to google, Internet of things network of physical devises, vehicle, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators and connectivity which enable this object to connect and exchange data.

In simple words internet of thing is network of smart devices.  But the IoT itself doesn't give us an idea about how difficult is to implement it.

How exactly IoT works?

To understand how Internet of things work, we need consider one example:

Example 1: Smart homes

In our home we use various appliances like refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, air conditioner, dish washer, television etc. If we connect this thing together in the network which enable this devices to talk with each other then those devise are called as a smart devise.

Incident 1: 

Suppose we forgot to lock our house before going for work, due to this network of smart devices we able to lock our house from far distance which save our time as well as save our resources. 

Example 2:

In our vehicle we have various components. for time being we consider only tires. Now for this example we consider tires as our smart device.

Incident 2 :

Amie is a teacher working in the high school is on the way to reach school.  But there is some problems in her cars tire. Her tire causing some trouble. As the tire is smart device in our example, the smart device network provide information regarding the tire problem:

Our smart devise sends following information through the network:

1. It sends Amie the shop address where she can replace her tire.
2. It sends the information regarding the failure to the manufacturer where it manufacture. it sends information regarding the batch from which it dispatch and how it actual fails.
3. It sends the information regarding the tire failure to service center so that they prepare there equipment to solve Amie's probably. So it reduces the time for repair. Amie able to reach school in time.
At the end customer problem had solved, error in manufacturing had found-out, the service provider able to provide the good service.

What are the challenges in Iot?

1. security:

 security is the biggest challenge in IoT. Consider our smart house example, if our house smart appliances get hacked then the hackers can get easy access to our house which is not desirable.


Connecting so many devices on single network is the biggest problem face by IoT. At present we rely on the centralized, server/client paradigm to authenticate, authorize and connect different nodes in a network.

I am going to discuss this challenges in detail in my future blog.

Current ways to implement IoT:

  • Smart parking.
  • smart grid.
  • water management.
  • Smart health devices.
  • Intelligent transport system.
This are the some ways by which we implement IoT.

Companies which are using IoT In India:

  1. Intel:
  2. TVS motor: It uses IoT for automation, quality control, pollution control and monitoring etc.
  3. Volkswagen: They introduces SAP system into their production line which keeps complete track of their parts.
  4. Hero moto corp :The largest two-wheeler company in the country, with the help of IoT keeps tabs of vehicles available in different locations so that the dealer can be kept informed all the time.
  5. Hindustan petroleum: it automates processes and creates real-time insights into the business. It has installed sensors in field units to capture information such as temperature, pressure etc.
  6. IBM
  7. cisco
  8. Bharti infra tel

So this is all about Internet in Things which help you to understand it. If you like the blog please share it with your friends!!!!
